[Well, lets do this.
I think purple is the best color.
Always liked the United Colours Of....
so we have something in common then Living in Vancouver (i suppose), do you happen to know Brian Hemingway? I really admire some of his houses and basically, the whole Coast Modern thing of yours in general. Its kind of shame, over here in Europe we are heavily influenced by ze Germans (i mean the building materials, not the philosophy) and i do not think there is really a tradition here of building stuff from wood anymore, despite my country being 40 percent forests
those are nice colors too, but definitely not cause of Barca. Instead> Avalanche!!!
Blue is the best, always will be, always was and still is...so there.
I rest my case.
Well...I CAN say I've been there...once....but if you went about as far away from there as you can physically get...and still be on this rock....that's where I'm from....
What I love about this community is that we can have this conversation.
With that said - RED is the only color you need - you know your in it deep when the red army is on the move. you feel it you want to negotiate, but no RED says we negotiate Guass cannot to Face, yes my friend you are dead and now we are all agreeing.
Technically - that was awesome