[Well, lets do this.
I think purple is the best color.
Not true...mix all colors together...you get black.
Not quite. It depends on whether you're looking at Artist's prime colours or 'electronic'/printing colours.
Cyan - Magenta - Yellow 'mixed' gets black..... Red - Blue - Yellow gets brown.
Back in the 70's studying Architecture we 'decided' BLACK was Architectural.
I really don't like pink..... except FF.00.FF aka 'Magic pink' - THE thing for skinning transparencies....
I see a red door and I want it painted black...............................................
Create a color wheel then turn it rapidly. You get white. Basic Science.
And after you get done seizing....
A simple prism proves that 'white light' is composed of all the colors of the spectrum.
So you are an architect?
The one you like the best while making graphice, painting, putting clothes on (except in my case as it's what I grab) etc. However there is always Blue and Green that stand out for me.
Green (which is like choosing millions of colours at once - since there are so many subtle shades!).
A skinner as well, and sometimes 'things' just come together....
Good pun, "windows" and all that.
Technically black is the lack of color because it absorbs all wavelengths. Therefore, it is all color....you just don't see it.
edit: And yes....technically both are correct.
The best color is this!?
Real Madrid. Just sayin'.
So it's not Brown then? UPS brings me all my stuffs. I don't know how to break this too them.
Brownies are aesthetically ugly, but taste good. Down with brown.