[Well, lets do this.
I think purple is the best color.
Green, the color of life.
Red, the color of damage taken.
I'm so incredibly offended I can't even... I'm literally having trouble speaking right now. It is UNBELIEVABLE to me that you would pick those colours.
You know, I had heard that people from your countries were kind of... behind... in this matter, and your comments reinforce every stereotype I have about this.
If you are not ready to accept the power of Teal in your lives, then I don't even know where to begin.
Teal is the bastard son of green and blue. I guess what they say about sweeds is true.
Gives a whole new perspective to Robes of Teal
any color, 100% transparency
Clearly, that is the best.
Woe is ye who strayeth from the patheth of theeth believeretheth.
"Taste is mine", says the gradient.
I join the forces of green. Aren't green eyes just plain sexier than brown or blue ones?
Green rocks it.
Black...because it's slimming
Purple is Power.
nuff said.
Shamrock voting for purple and red skittles saying black. What the hell? At least we can all agree that brown is the worst.
I can agree to that.
Brown is pretty ugly.